Here in Tampa, we have a very short rehearsal period before the performances. They scheduled a photo shoot for the second day we were here, and since we didn't have the costumes yet, the PR guy had the very clever idea to copy a former Vanity Fair cover of Cindy Crawford shaving K.D. Lang who was reclining in an old time Barber's chair. The photographer made some magic with what I'm sure amounts to a lot of air-brushing, and came up with these shots of me and the tenor. I am soooooo not a sexy vixen in real life, so this photo shoot was a big stretch for me, but he finally got some good expressions at the end of the shoot when I just gave up and stopped trying. I laughed at myself when I saw these photos, but hey, if they convince somebody to come to the opera, great. They'll be mighty surprised when they get there however if they think some blonde in a short skirt is gonna be lathering people up, but hopefully I can win them over with my sexy..... coloratura singing.