The List

Tomorrow, as promised, I will start my 30 day adventure where I try one new New York thing each day. I'll actually be upstate visiting my parents until Wednesday, so my first new thing will be to visit the town of Woodstock, where I've never been before. Then I'll return to the City and begin my list there. I'm not going to be a fascist with myself about the rules of this little game, because sometimes doing something new will simply be trying a new restaurant, or going to a dinner party where there will be guests I've never met before. I've done a little research and compiled a list to start myself off with - I probably won't do all of these things, and other things will get added as I discover them, but I'm publishing the list so that if any of you are around and think to yourselves "Hey, I've never been to The Village Vanguard either!" and you want to join me, just let me know because adventures are usually more fun when they're shared. I'm not giving myself specific dates to do any of these things, I'll probably just decide a day or two in advance - more if I need reservations - and maybe sometimes I'll just get off on a subway stop I never have before and walk around. Oh - and if anybody has any suggestions, please let me know!

The list - a place to start. I've never:

1. Walked across the Brooklyn Bridge

2. Visited the Botanical Gardens (Bronx) Tuesday-Sunday 10AM-6PM

3. Eaten Dim Sum in China Town; Golden Unicorn, 18 E Broadway at Catherine Street 212-941-0911

4. Attended a Concert at Bargemusic (July 12th at 8PM is free)

5. Attended a Summer Garden free concert at the MOMA sculpture garden (Sundays at 8, doors open at 7)

6. Seen a show at Upright Citizens Brigade , Improv Sketch Comedy, Free shows: Sunday 9:30PM (tickets distributed at 8:15),
Monday and Wednesday at 11:15 PM

7. Attended a Book Reading – best bet, Barnes and Nobles in Union Square for schedule

8. Been to the Triangolo Tango at Chelsea Market Saturday Afternoon

9. Taken a Free Yoga class in Riverside Park Wednesdays at 6:30PM

10. Found the Cheapest and best cheeses; Visit East Village Cheese Store 40 Third Ave btwn 9th and 10th sts 212 477-2601

11. Been to P.S 1 Contemporary Art Center

12. Listened to Jazz at the Village Vanguard

13. Had a lunch of Oysters and Martinis at the Oyster Bar

14. Been to the famous Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market

15. Been to The Frick

16. Been to Neue Gallerie

17. Been to the Museum of the City of New York

18. Visited the Flux Factory, a non-profit artists workshop warehouse

19. Done the Gallery walk in west Chelsea

20. Seen a classic film at the Thalia theater at Symphony Space (July seems to be double features with Hepburn)

21. Shopped for entire dinner at Union Square Greenmarket Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 8AM-6PM\

22. Tried an entirely raw food dinner at Pure Food and Wine

23. Taken a tour of the Brooklyn Brewery (Saturdays)

24. Gone to a beach accessible by subway from NYC – I’m thinking Brighton Beach, followed by some Ukranian food perhaps

25. Taken Free running lessons in Central Park

26. Attended Trapeze School

27. Checked out new designers at TheMarketNYC, 268 Mulberry St btwn Houston and Prince,

28. Attended a Story/Essay Reading at The Moth

29. Taken a cheese class at Murray’s Cheese Shop

30. Had a Russian/Turkish bath in the East Village, 268 East 10th st btwn 1st Ave and Ave A 212 505 0665

31. Checked out the First Friday party at Guggenheim

32. Eaten the best Mac and Cheese in NYC at S’mac

33. Rented a bike and biked along the Hudson River

34. Walked the length of the Island from the Cloisters to the Ferry, stopping for food along the way (may take
more than one day)

35. Visited the new Brooklyn Ikea, and taken the water taxi to see the Waterfalls installation

36. Been to the Bronx Zoo(!!!!)

37. Been the the Earth Room - a room in Soho full of dirt -

38. Relaxed at the Wave Hill Gardens in Riverdale - free on Tuesdays in the summer -