I've never been to the Frick

The Frick is another of the places I have always said I needed to go, but never did until today. It's a collection of pretty amazing mostly european art all collected by one really rich guy, housed in his actual house, which he turned into a museum towards the end of his life. Tons of the big european masters are represented; Manet, Monet, Vermeer, Degas, El Greco and one solitary American; Whistler. The photo seen here is the little atrium, and just behind the fountain is the famous Renoir painting of the mother and her two daughters. It's the perfect afternoon activity because it's just one floor of all stunning, carefully collected and curated art, and they have these free audio guides where all the most important paintings are described and demystified by the art historian curators of the collection.

I decided to walk across the park to get to the Frick, and was reminded of how New York can be so full of rich experiences around every corner. As I was nearing the Naumberg Bandshell, I started to hear some really good jazz music. I don't know much about jazz at all, but I can tell a good musician when I hear one, and I heard this crazy sax wailing in all octaves, so I had to stop. It was these three young guys, a sax player who also played clarinet, a drummer and an upright bass player, and they were playing for tips in Central Park. And these guys were really good. I bought myself an ice cream sandwich and sat my butt down on a bench and watched them play until they were through. The Sax/clarinet player was just so good - of course the tourists, moms with strollers, and crazy roller skaters had no idea that they were getting this really awesome concert for free, but I just munched on my ice cream and appreciated all that new york has to offer. I talked to the guys afterwards, and they said they play there every day, just as a way to practice and maybe make some tips while they're at it. So not only will I go back to the Frick, but I'll definitely go back to the park (it's around 72nd street, right in between the West and East side at the top of the big steps from the fountain) and watch me some more free jazz. Ah New York - I'm falling in love with you all over.