
Wow - I have been on a major blog hiatus. I figured I'd better write something before 30 days went by with silence or the blog police might arrest me.

Why have I been so silent? Well, partly because I've basically been on vacation, and haven't had any interesting singing or traveling anecdotes to write about. But more than that, I think I've been waiting for certain things to work themselves out so I could make some big announcements about my upcoming schedule and how those upcoming things make me feel. Except all that "working out" is taking longer than I anticipated, so I kept waiting and didn't write.

The first big thing that happened was that I was supposed to go back to Poland for another performance, but it got cancelled. I won't go into more detail than that, except to say I was very disappointed because I was really looking forward to singing some more Lucrezia Borgia (I really grew to LOVE the music in that opera - so much so that I was going to all the rehearsals, even the ones I wasn't called to, just to listen to it some more), but also because I was excited to see all my Polish friends again. When a gig ends, it always hurts either a little or a lot, depending on how much you loved the gig. But saying goodbye to new friends is always a little painful, although I'm really used to it by now. This time, I didn't have to say goodbye, I only had to say "see you in a month" and I had big plans to bring fun american presents back to all the guys who were in my character's stage gang, and have my final hurrah in Warsaw. So that was sort of sad - and in fact the performance I was supposed to do was tonight, so it's fitting that I'm at least writing a blog entry to commemorate it.

All the issues with my upcoming schedule are taking time to iron themselves out, and I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that it will all work out for the best. I'll be very excited to announce what I'm doing and the circumstances that lead up to it as soon as I dot the i's and cross the t's.

In the meantime, I'm having a fun "staycation" here in new york, and finally catching up with friends I haven't seen all year. I can't quite believe how much I've been gone in the last year, and how long it's been since I've just been home and had some time to relax and decompress. Of course, with me, relaxation gets boring really quickly, so I'm busy finding projects to keep me feeling artistic and productive. But not too many, because once the schedule gets completed, I should be off and running again, and that's exactly how I like it.