So, I found this video on youtube - it's a teaser that shows scenes from the production of Barbiere at the Berlin Staatsoper that I will sing in next month:
I was pretty excited to find this. First of all, because it's always nice to have an idea of what you're in for before you arrive. Second, because it looks REALLY funny, and because it seems like Rosina gets to really flex her comedic muscles. And if you've read my blog during times when I was singing Rosina, you know that I, ahem, like to be a bit of a ham. I know I only have a few days of rehearsal, so you'd better believe I watched this video several times to try to be as prepared as possible. Then I felt compelled to go over the entire score, just to make sure I still remembered it. Having sung 6 productions, it turns out I know it pretty well. Go figure. FEE-GARO, FEE-GARO, FEEEEEEEEEE-GAAAAAAAA-ROOOOOOOOO! (Cue intro to Largo al Factotum or Bugs Bunny)......